My Wonderful Companions
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My Questions About My Cat, Dolly
Dolly recovered and was back to his naughty and mischievous self after a few days of rest and recovery.
Times passed fast and I had so much fun with him - often we played hide and seek, chasing after ball, and watching him toying with roaches was such fun!
One day my dad was home early and I started asking him the many 'why' about my cat:
a. Why is it good to keep cat
My dad explained that owning cats was good for our health and could decrease the chance of having high blood pressure and other illnesses. And when we stroke a cat would help to relieve stress and feeling the purring of a cat conveyed a strong stress of security and comfort.
b. Why my cat has such tail
My dad explained that it is used to maintain Dolly's balance.
c. Why Dolly liked to chew the grass in our backyard?
Daddy said this is to help the cat's digestion and also to remove fur in the cat's stomach.
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Cats are not property,that is what my daddy said-they are roommates,they own you if anything!
I don't know what I would do without my two "roomates"
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Keep on purring!,and oh yeah,cats also rub up to your legs as that was how they signalled to their mothers to lay down to nurse.My two girls do it every time I walk to the kithchen!
By MrAdVenture, at 7:43 AM
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